Opening Anniversary Campaign!
東京・浅草 着物レンタル 華雅(HANAKA)will be opened for 8 years on July 1st. To thank all customers, we would like to present some special campaigns(reservation is required) to all of you ! ※Please give us a call or make the reservation via our website before the day you come.
Hair setting Campaign
With the original price of 1,500 yen(without tax), the hair setting plan is now presented by 500 yen off!

Everyday the first seventh customers could get the limited One-day rental plan(9000 yen) with the price of 4500 yen(without tax)!
First come, first served!
振袖(casual Furisode)Campaign
Everyday the first seventh customers could
get the limited One-day rental plan(9000 yen)
with the price of 4500 yen(without tax)!
※Hair setting is not included.
Special Obi(belt)and the Haneri(Half collar)
with embroidery will cost the another prices.
Please enjoy yourself in Asakusa by wearing our
casual Furisode.
着物(Kimono)Rental【1 person men/women・One-day Rental】 ※reservation is required
Homepage Limited Campaign
3,800 yen(without tax) 【original price:6,000円】
the plan is including: | お着付け(wearing)・Kimono・長襦袢(undergarment)・肌着(underwear)・帯(belt)・帯板(belt board)・半襟(Half collar)・足袋(socks)・巾着バック(bags)・草履または下駄(shoes) |
Friends Plan【2~4 people men/women・One-day Rental】 ※reservation is required
着物(Kimono)Rental(One-day) 2~4 people men/women

Homepage Limited Campaign
3,300 yen(without tax) 【original price:6,000 yen】
the plan is including: | お着付け(wearing)・Kimono・長襦袢(undergarment)・肌着(underwear)・半襟(Half collar)・帯(belt)・小物草履(shoes)・バッグ(bags)・足袋(socks) |
Companions Plan【5 people or above・One-day Rental】 ※reservation is required
Let’s share this special price with your friends!
浴衣(Yukata)Renatl(One-day) 5 people or above men/women

Homepage Limited Campaign
3,100 yen(without tax) 【original price:6,000 yen】
the plan is including: | お着付け(wearing)・Yukata・肌着(underwear)・帯(belt)・帯板(belt board)・巾着バック(bags)・下駄(shoes) |
着物(Kimono)Rental(One-day) 5 people or above men/women

Homepage Limited Campaign
3,100 yen(without tax) 【original price:6,000 yen】
the plan is including: |
お着付け(wearing)・Kimono・長襦袢(undergarment)・肌着(underwear)・半襟(Half collar)・帯(belt)・小物一式(accessories)・足袋(socks)・草履(shoes)・バッグ(bags) |
Group Plan 【10 people or above 2 HOURS PLAN】 ※reservation is required

※MUST inform us or take the reservation before.
※Speedy hair-set and hair accessories are included.
※The 2 hours will be counted from all people finished the wearing.
※It will be another 300 yen per person costed if wearing Kimono.
※It is also welcome for the cooperation with travel agency.
Please feel free to contact us.
Homepage Limited Campaign For 浴衣(Yukata)、it is only 2,500 yen(without tax)per person 【original price:6,000 yen】
the plan is including: | お着付け(wearing)・Yukata・帯(belt)・帯板(belt board)・巾着バック(bags)・下駄(shoes)・髪飾り(hair accessories) |
Hair Setting(hair accessories included)
Casual hair style | 1,000 yen(without tax) |
Formal hair style | 3,000 yen(without tax) |
Japanese hair style | 3,000 yen(without tax) |
Japanese traditional hair style | 3,000 yen(without tax)~ |
It is also possible to set any hair styles or arrangements you want with the other cost, please feel free to tell us.
着付け(Wearing)(Bring your own Kimono)
着物Kimono(袴Hakama)・長襦袢(undergarment)・腰紐4本~5本(4-5 belts)・伊達締め2本(2 Datejime)・肌襦袢(undershirt)・裾除け(underskirt)・衿芯(inside a collar)・タオル2枚(2 towels)・足袋(ブーツの場合は不要)(socks, no need if wearing boots)・草履またはブーツ(shoes or boots)
浴衣(Yukata) | 5,000 yen(without tax) |
袴(Hkama) | 6,000 yen(without tax) |
小紋・訪問着(※お鼓結び)(Komon with Otaiko knot) | 6,000 yen(without tax) |
振袖(Furisode) | 8,000 yen(without tax) |
留袖(Tomesode) | 7,000 yen(without tax) |
飾り結び(袋帯)(Accessorize knot )) | 1,500 yen(without tax) |
It is able for the knot besides Otaiko knot. And the cost of the accessorize knot is included in the price of Hakama already.
Buying Plan
Please feel free to ask our staff if you are interested in buying our Kimono.
- | Women | Men |
浴衣(Yukata) | 3,000 yen(without tax)~ | 4,000 yen(without tax)~ |
帯(belt) | 1,500 yen(without tax)~ | 1,500 yen(without tax)~ |
帯(belt) | 1,500 yen(without tax)~ | 1,500 yen(without tax)~ |